The 4th/Whole-Step Tritone Sub Pattern ala Hank Mobley
This is a great follow-up to The Modern Minor Pentatonic Essentials lesson-more 4th/whole-steps!
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Altered Dominant and the Melodic Minor Scale, Part 1
Learn the Altered Dominant Scale, classic altered sounds, and its relative melodic minor scale.
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Neighbor Tone Essentials: 3 Over & Under Patterns
Learn 3 killer neighbor tone patterns - great for expanding your jazz improv vocabulary!
Neighbor-Tone-Essentials-Over-& Under-Patterns.pdf
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Melodic Minor Pentatonic Essentials- The Joe Henderson Pattern
Learn the Melodic Minor Pentatonic Scale and a pattern based on the theme to Recorda-me.
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Modern Pentatonic Essentials: 2 Must-Know Patterns!
Learn how to create modern sounds using the minor pentatonic scale.
Modern Pentatonic Essentials; 2 Must-Know Patterns!.pdf
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Jazz Saxophone Technique Essentials: Must Know Pattern! (ala Joel Frahm)
My twist on a killer pattern I found in a Joel Frahm transcription of Anthropology.
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Dominant Flat 9 Chord Essentials - The Perpetual Pattern
This pattern will supplement Rhythm Changes: Triads to Tritone Subs, Lesson 3 and ii-V-I passages.
The Blue Note Combination (Dominant Blues Chord Essentials Supplement)
Learn to create the minor/major 3rd Blue Note combination mentioned in the Dominant Blues Chord Essentials video. Thanks to Alex for the suggestion!
Dominant Blues Chord Essentials! 3 Must-Know Patterns
Here's a fun set of patterns suitable for use on dominant chords - particularly in the blues! This video is from my promotional series on YouTube, but I thought you would enjoy it here as well.
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Major Chord Essentials; 3 Must-Know Patterns
These 3 patterns combine major scale & arpeggios to create beautiful lines with lots of applications
Major Chord Essentials-Patterns to Solos
Learn to incorporate the 3 Must-Know Patterns in your solos. Remember to download the EXTRAS!
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Minor Chord Essentials! 3 "Must-Know" Patterns
3- Must-Know patterns based on the minor 7 arpeggio, Dorian Scale, and Pentatonic Scale.
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