New Lessons!
You'll find my newest lessons in this collection. As other new releases are published, I'll migrate these into their respective categories. Look for the EXTRAS and PDF files for each lesson at the end of this category.
Common Jazz Chord Progressions: I-IV-V
Learn how to begin analyzing chord progressions by locating common chords found in most tunes.
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Easy Blues Lick #15 - E Blues Lick
This one was influenced by a Cannonball Adderley lick, but also has a Stanley Turrentine feel.
The 4th/Whole-Step Tritone Sub Pattern ala Hank Mobley
This is a great follow-up to The Modern Minor Pentatonic Essentials lesson-more 4th/whole-steps!
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Altered Dominant and the Melodic Minor Scale, Part 1
Learn the Altered Dominant Scale, classic altered sounds, and its relative melodic minor scale.
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Easy Blues Lick #14 - D Blues Lick
This one has a cool "Hee-Haw" effect between the -7 and b5 with an up and over style bend.
Neighbor Tone Essentials: 3 Over & Under Patterns
Learn 3 killer neighbor tone patterns - great for expanding your jazz improv vocabulary!
Neighbor-Tone-Essentials-Over-& Under-Patterns.pdf
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Common Jazz Chord Symbols
Learn about the symbols used to notate chords and the scales used in their construction.
Melodic Minor Pentatonic Essentials- The Joe Henderson Pattern
Learn the Melodic Minor Pentatonic Scale and a pattern based on the theme to Recorda-me.
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The 'Round Midnight Low Tone Exercise
This exercise will help you develop that soft subtone in the low register.
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Easy Blues Lick #13 - C Blues Lick
This one, based on the C Blues Scale, uses an inversion to get a simple variation.
Rhythm Changes Triads to Tritone Subs Lesson 6: Loose Ends
Learn about tonal center playing, contrafacts, transcriptions, and developing Rhythm Changes motifs.
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Easy Blues Lick #12 - A Blues Lick ala Lee Morgan
This one is based on a lick by jazz trumpeter, Lee Morgan.